iProgramInCpp's Bunker

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Hi there. This is the first article on my website.

Note, I will not be able to do any interactive stuff because I use GitHub Pages to host my site. So if you have any comments about one of my posts, please tell me through a communication platform such as Bluesky, Discord (@iprogramincc), or e-mail (this website's name (minus the .com) @gmail.com)

What am I working on right this moment?

I am working on this article, of course. But the ongoing project I'm working on right now is CelesteNES. Go there to see more about it.

I will post more about it soon, there's plenty of interesting stuff I would like to document here.

How did you do this?

iProgramInCpp's MarkdownBlogThing! It's just a hacky shell script. In fact, the entire thing can actually be found right in the GitHub Pages repo.

Just testing some more markdown stuff

First, a list of

Then, an image: A screenshot of early development of NanoShell

This article was last modified on Monday, November 25, 2024, at 20:42:11. Back to index